HTML Content Type
The HTML Language Content Type and style depend on the page layout design and text font and color size to display in different styles and shapes.
On the off chance that you utilize a word processor, you should know all about the capacity to make text striking, emphasized, or underlined. these are only three of the ten choices accessible to demonstrate how text can show up in HTML.
Practice to Make HTML Content
The content of a component is written in different textual styles. The greater part of the textual styles is known as factor width textual styles on the grounds that various letters are of various widths.
For instance, the letter ‘m’ is more extensive than the letter ‘I’ In a monospaced textual style, be that as it may, each letter has a similar width.
The content of a component is written in superscript; the text dimension utilized is similar in size to the characters encompassing it however is shown as a portion of a person’s level over different characters.
Content Writing in HTML
The content of a component is written in content; the text dimension utilized is equivalent to the characters encompassing it, however, is shown as a portion of a person’s level underneath different characters in HTML.
The div and traverse components permit you to gather a few components to make segments or subsections of a page.
For instance, you should put every one of the commentaries on a page inside a component to demonstrate that each of the components inside that div component connects with the references. You could then connect a style to this in HTML Content.
component with the goal that they seem to utilize an extraordinary arrangement of style rules.