HTML Tags For Basic Use
HTML tags are like special keywords which shows that how the internet browser will organize and show the substance to users. By the HTML tags, any internet browser can design an HTML page.
HTML tags contain three fundamental parts: an opening tag, content, and shutting tag. In any case, some HTML tags are unclosed.
At the point when an internet browser peruses an HTML report, the program peruses it through and left to right. HTML tags are utilized to make HTML archives and render their properties. Every HTML tags have various properties.
Type of HTML Tags
An HTML record should have a few fundamental tags so that the internet browser can separate between straightforward text and HTML text. You can use as many tags from the below list as text as you need.
HTML Metadata Tags
DOCTYPE, title, link, meta, and style are meta tags of HTML.
HTML Text Tags
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>,<p> <strong>, <em>, <abbr>, <acronym>, <address>, <bdo>, <blockquote>, <cite>, <q>, <code>, <ins>, <del>, <dfn>, <kbd>, <pre>, <samp>, <var>
<br> and <hr> tags have no ending tags.
<img>, <area>, <map>, <param>, <object> tags are for setting picture and object.
<ol>, <ul>, <li>, <dl>, <dt> and <dd>
All HTML tags must encased inside < > these sections. Each tag in HTML performs various undertaking functions.
On the chance that you have utilized an open tag, you should utilize a nearby tag except for certain tags as subtags.